Friday, 5 December 2014

Big Talk Vikings Dialogue

Your Big Write task will be to write a section of a story that includes dialogue – you will not be writing the whole story.  This will be on Monday 8th December.

Big Talk Task
Choose one of the above scenes from a Viking saga.  Talk through the dialogue between the three characters with an adult.  Remember that through dialogue you can give clues about the setting, characters and how they are feeling.

To the session bring notes about your ideas and up to 20 key words that you could use in your writing (you might think of synonyms – other words – for ‘said’ and some adverbs).

Wednesday, 5 November 2014

The First Half of Autumn Term in Year 4 2014

The Autumn Term in Year 4
Year 4 have settled into their new classes well and have already had a busy first half term with lots of fun learning opportunities. 
We kick-started our new topic with a visit from a Viking man.  All the children and staff enjoyed dressing up and learning lots of interesting facts about Vikings.

Since then we have done further reserach into Viking gods, transport and their way of life.  This has linked into our theme on settlements in which the children have been learning and using the skills of OS map reading.

We have also enjoyed two trips out - one to the cinema in Hatfield to watch the Ten Pieces short film produced by the BBC and the other to Highfield Park for our Chill Out session.  During the Chill Out day we identified and found different leaves and fruits as well as writing our own Autumn Poems.
Autumn Poem
Branches brown,
Leaves are lush,
Autumn, Autumn.
Thorns prickle against soft skin,
Red berries are bright red fire,
Brown branches of the mighty oak tree dance in the gusty wind,
Blue tits singing to a song of joy,
Silver rain to the autumn weather,
Helicopter leaves covering the ground like hot red lava.
Trees are tall,
Grass is fresh,
Autumn, Autumn. 

By James and John