Monday, 18 December 2017

Hot Chocolate!

In Class 5, we were inspired by scenes from the Polar Express to write our own descriptions of the most luxurious hot chocolate we could imagine.We were then able to drink our creations together.

Friday, 15 December 2017

Putting the 'chill' in Chill Out

It was an extremely chilly Chill Out today, but Year 4 soldiered on, through icy fields and muddy quagmires. We hid some treasures amongst the trees for other brave wanderers to discover and hunted for our own, in a challenge between classes.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Advent calendars

In their RE lessons some of Year 4 have designed advent calendars to help a six year old child understand why Christmas is so important for Christians.  Here they are:

Thursday, 7 December 2017

The Magical Christmas Jigsaw!

Wow! Year 4 put on a fantastic performance of The Magical Christmas Jigsaw yesterday! The children dedicated hours of hard work in learning their lines, lyrics to the songs and rehearsing their parts! It all paid off and they received a well-deserved standing ovation! We are very proud of them all! We hope that you enjoyed the show! Well done Class 5 and Class 6!

Mrs Warren and Mr Garwood.

Here are some pictures:

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Year 4's views on God

In RE this half term Year 4 have been exploring what Christians believe about God and what they believe. 
Here are some of their amazing ideas:

In my opinion God is a huge mystery that no one can solve. But what really puzzles me is actually how he created the earth. One of the things about God is how he can see everything including every tiny movement. In addition, I think that God is a really good person. He probably created the flood for the greater good of the earth because long ago people were sinners. Hanna

I believe God is like a guardian to the world and sees everything. When I’m stuck on a question I think about God then the question seems clearer to me.  Taneem

In my opinion God is full of love and light. I think he is a nice God who used to be alive. People don’t believe in God but I do and he made me out of mud. God is like a spirit. He can collect everyone’s thoughts in a second. I think he can help me if I am stuck.           Zac

In my opinion God is not real because you can’t see him up in the clouds and not in the universe.  Mason 

Some people think that God is real and he created the universe but I think that God is just a myth. He didn’t create the universe. I think it was a big bang that came out of nowhere.

I believe that Allah created the world, all the planets and many more. God protects everybody when something bad happens like a war. I disagree with people who don’t believe in Allah because in my religion we do.  Something that is puzzling me is who created God? Allah is the time starter. Irfaan

I believe there is an angel on our shoulder. If you do something bad or good the angel will write what you did. When you sleep the angel will go to Allah and Allah will check it.

I believe that if you believe in God he will be there for you but if you don’t he won’t be there… I believe in God but I don’t think he can watch over everyone all at the same time.

I believe in God.  Dylan

In my opinion God loves everyone no matter what they do and God is like a teacher to Christians. I believe that God sent Jesus down to earth to do amazing things and to teach everyone to be good. I also believe that God and Jesus are the only living things that are perfect. However, I don’t think that God is everywhere I just think he’s in heaven. Emily

I believe God is real, he helps people if they’re troubled and he is a God of love. However I’m troubled by, if he is the God of love why are there so many wars?  Thomas

In my opinion, I think of god as all hearing and all seeing. God is everywhere and you can’t see him. I also think that he made us out of mud, clay and water. People don’t believe that God is real but I disagree with them. In my religion God is named Allah.       Kamilah

In my opinion, God is real because we wouldn’t be alive. He can help people because he’s life giver, promise keeper, heart warmer and energy booster.  He can help a person open their eyes because that person could not see anything before.     Melina 

In my opinion God is not real but I believe in Jesus and most of the stories. Sometimes I feel I’m stuck on something then it comes to my brain and I believe that it might be the light of God. He might not be seeable but he is thoughtable.              Yann 

God helps us to keep safe day and night helping you with tricky answers. He is always making space for us. He makes sure that to achieve your dream you have to dig a little deeper to find your gem.  Saskia

Friday, 17 November 2017

All Different - All Equal. Anti-Bullying Week.

This week has been Anti-Bullying week.  The children have all had assemblies and lessons on how we are all different, but we are all equal.  We have been encouraging children to reflect on their strengths, and to recognise the strengths of others.  We hope this will continue through the year and allow children to build more positive relationships with their peers following the school motto,  'Do As You Would Be Done By'.

Attached below is the link to the website that much of the material from the week is from.  We feel this may be worth looking at again with parents.

Anti-Bullying Alliance

We have also been looking at resilience and that how, if we believe in ourselves, it can help us stand up for ourselves against others. Please click on the link below.

How To Stop A Bully

Please do speak to your class teacher if you have any worries or concerns on this matter, or put a note in your class worry box.

Thursday, 16 November 2017

Anglo Saxon Workshop

We had a fantastic day on Thursday learning even more about the Anglo-Saxons. We were shown Saxon weapons and armour, played games, spoke some Old English, took part in a banquet, and listened to gruesome stories of Alfred the Great, Beowulf and King Harold! As you can see, the children looked the part too-their costumes were brilliant!

Friday, 3 November 2017


We have kicked off the new half-term by beginning our work on Beowulf. On Monday, we read a poem about a warrior named Beowulf who sails across the Danish sea to slay a monster called Grendel. Beowulf reigns as king for 50 years until a dragon is awoken. Beowulf and his men battle the dragon but unfortunately they lose.

This week we have worked in groups to act out parts of the poem. Our performances also included a freeze-frame that best summarised that particular part of the poem. You can have a look at our performances  and freeze frames below! Mrs Orvis and Mr Garwood have been very impressed by our enthusiasm for the poem and brilliant acting!

Thursday, 12 October 2017

Chill Out!

On Thursday Year 4 had their first Chill Out of the year...and what beautiful weather it was too! Here are some photos of our busy day!

The day started with a basketball workshop delivered by two professional basketball players!

Then we walked to Highfield Park, where our first activity was to create leaf rubbings. Here is some of our artwork:

Our next activity was to create our own games in groups using natural resources from the woods. Mrs Warren and Mr Garwood were very impressed by our creativity! Here are some pictures of our games:

Crazy Golf!

Target practice!



Bulldog and Hockey Mix!

We had a fantastic day and look forward to the next one!